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Course Wrap-up Checklist: How to wrap up the semester in Canvas In-Person / Online

Presenters: Dr. Liz du Plessis (Manager of Instructional Design) and Tom Roedel (Instructional Technologist),  Missouri Online

In this session, Missouri Online will help you create a plan for wrapping up your course in Canvas. An instructional designer will facilitate a discussion about why to have an intentional plan and will share example activities for wrapping up learning with students. An academic technologist will present an end-of-semester checklist for Canvas and review the many options for configuring and wrapping up your Canvas gradebook and course site, including how to:

 - apply late/missing policies to grades,

 - hide and post grades,

 - submit final grades from Canvas to SIS (to myZou/Pathway/MyView/JoeSS),

 - back up your Canvas site content and your Gradebook for your own records, and

 - review your gradebook and content for any items to exclude before you copy the course.

Participants will have opportunities to share their ideas and tips for wrapping up courses.

Outcome: By the end of the session, you should be able to create your own customized course wrap-up plan or checklist.

Friday, November 15, 2024
12:00pm - 12:45pm
Time Zone:
Central Time - US & Canada (change)
Teaching for Learning Center
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